May 25·edited May 25Liked by Denise Shelton

I've blocked so many people over the years on Twitter and Medium I've lost count. The intelligence level seems a little higher here, so I've only blocked a couple who were ranting in Notes about political nonsensery - but I didn't engage with them before doing so, I just chose (edited for typo) never to see them again, and they will never know it unless by some strange happenstance they click on one of my stories.

It's certainly more lucrative to tolerate fools - all the rage engagement out there proves that - but I have a short fuse for fuckwittery, I'm afraid (scuse swearing!)

I generally instablock trolls because they are not interested in discussion, they are there merely to annoy and by doing so they lessen the site, lessen my comment section and generally make everyone's experience that little bit worse. Also, they're usually quite stupid and deserve to be told that. I think encouraging them in any way is a bad idea - but we're all absolutely entitled to use our comment sections in our own way :)

People who use ad hominem attacks or other logical fallacies in the place of discussion are either too stupid or too determined to be rude to reach. People who reply to things I didn't say or imply will sometimes get a second chance if I am not absolutely sure they are trolling. But the instant I determine someone is actually trolling - that is merely posting to cause offence or distress, not interested in an adult discussion or exchange of ideas - it's instablock for me.

I don't block people for disagreement, however robust, provided they argue in good faith. I've had long discussions with people whose views I find quite annoying, but they were able to present themselves as adults and provide a basis for their argument.

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I don’t get many trolls but I haven’t been writing much that would attract them lately. Thanks for your perspective, Alison. It’s always valuable.

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May 25Liked by Denise Shelton

You're a class act, girl. Admittedly, I find it hard to keep my cool with the ignorant trolls. But, you probably already knew that. ;-)

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You do you, Sherry. That’s why we love you ❤️

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May 25Liked by Denise Shelton

Wisdom and facts here. Thank you for sharing this. It serves as a helpful reminder to all us creative types.

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You're welcome, Chris. There's always a silver lining. (Cliches R Us 😊)

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May 25Liked by Denise Shelton

I’ve long held a job at Cliches R Us! :) I thought about the fact when I left my comment that I wasn’t ading anything interesting to the conversation, but I did find your piece insightful as well as inspirational and mostly I just wanted to say thank you and let you know I appreciated it. As old and as jaded as I am, I never fail to be hurt when someone leaves a hateful comment on something I wrote. It doesn’t happen that often, but when it does, it (usually) hurts before it makes me mad. I just need to breathe and take time to craft a more measured response, just like you did.

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I don’t think I’ve ever put that much effort into it before or since. But to whom much is given, much is required. Whoops! I did it again.

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Hahaha makes me wonder if it would be possible to have an entire conversation speaking only in cliches. I’m sure it’s possible. That would be a fun task to charge AI with. I might have to try that.

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Negative opinions are okay. Disagreement is fine. Personal attacks and antisemitic rants...block.

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Everyone has to draw the line somewhere, Reuben. Thanks for weighing in.

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Well said and very instructive and timely for me at the moment. I give you major props for your crafting a masterful response. It ain’t easy. Also I don’t think I could get past “intemperate ad hominem” without crapping my pants. I’m 😂 over here.

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Thanks, Beth. I love that he so vigorously defends a civilization that's been dust for ages. I get it. I'd go to bat for Ozymandias any day.

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